LOWBROW ガソリン携行缶専用ホルダー
アメリカLOWBROW CUSTOMSのガソリン携行缶専用のホルダーです。
Increase the convenience of your Lowbrow Fuel Reserve Bottle
by making it easy to stow on your bike for a quick jaunt around town or
for a month on the road.
This Fuel Reserve Bottle Holder is made of ballistic nylon and securely
cradles your fuel bottle with two heavy-duty velcro straps and
a cord closure at the top.
Two more nylon and velcro straps are included and will affix your fuel
reserve bottle securely to your front forks, sissy bar, or anywhere else
you see fit.
The prototype was tested on a cross-country,
3,000 mile jaunt with no issues at all, and came in handy multiple times.